
Why Work With A Certified Passive House Consultant?
passive house consultant

Passive House is the preferred model for many ecologically concerned potential home builders. And for good reason. The savings in energy costs alone make it an appealing alternative to conventional homes. Passive House homes can save the owner from 60-80% in utility costs. In addition there is the peace of mind brought by the knowledge that they decreased their carbon footprint and contributed in their own way to helping the environment. 

The first Passive House private home was built over 30 years ago in Germany. Since then, thousands of Passive House certified buildings have gone up around the world. The popularity of the building technique has grown as public commitment to fighting climate change has increased. As high performance homes have become more popular, too, the cost of Passive House building components has gone down while the availability of the components has increased. 

A client looking to build a Passive House building is going to need an architect with knowledge in this particular field. By working with a certified Passive House consultant like those at FiELD9: architecture, you can provide this service to them. Working with a certified Passive House consultant could easily broaden your firm’s reach and help attain new ecologically-minded clients.

A certified Passive House consultant is necessary for a home to be passive-building certified in the US. Organizations like PHIUS (Passive House Institute US, Inc.), teach professionals passive building principles, give them hands-on training in modeling using WUFI Passive, a passive building energy modeling software tool, and teach them to design and execute commercial, residential, and retrofit projects. PHIUS also certifies and quality-assures passive buildings.

When your clients are looking to build high performance homes, it will be imperative to work with a Passive House consultant. A certified consultant will be able to answer any questions or concerns your client may have and guide them along the journey toward owning their own Passive House certified home. 

A certified Passive House consultant is also trained in the design of Passive House buildings, and can aid your design team in the creation of these unusual homes. These consultants have a wealth of knowledge about the physics of building performance, all the elements involved in project certification, the best practices designated by type of building or geographic region, and have access to the software and other tools necessary for certification. Moreover they can go further and act as a liaison to the construction crew. 

FiELD9: architecture has a PHIUS-certified Passive House consultant on staff. Contact FiELD9 to learn more about how their consulting services could benefit your firm. 

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